
Although this weld bead is not a good one from the perspective of a welder, it caught my attention as a potentially abstract image, rich with color, texture and highlights. When I came across the image, the word “joining” came to mind, eliciting some observations for contemplation. Some of the metaphoric implications are obvious, others not so much. And because Pierre Teilhard de Chardin S.J. wrote so extensively about the evolutionary dynamics and implications of joining together, I offer some of his quotes. They effectively distill the essence of my observations here.

In the first place, I notice that a bead of molten material, itself metal, is used to unify separate pieces of steel. Although different in properties, they’re the same in essence. Just so, two individuals with differing values or perspectives can become joined in purpose or function by a third party, perhaps a “facilitator” who shares their vision or common objective. When there’s a commonly held purpose or outcome, there’s the potential for bonding. And when it occurs the strength of the outcome is increased considerably. A whole system has greatly expanded potentials and more capability than its members operating separately.

Everything in the universe is made by union and generation—by the coming together of elements that seek out one another, melt together two by two, and are born again in a third.

Teilhard de Chardin S.J.

Metals are “hard-nosed” individuals. They are fixed in their ways, not about to change. They “like” being separate. So much so, they can only be bonded by another metal that has undergone a change of state—transformation—from solid to liquid. In the realm of matter, pliability is a necessary condition for unification. In the human realm this equates to flexibility. And that’s where we have an advantage over metal. Even when individuals are fixed in their ways and disagree, bonding can occur through mutually respectful communication.

Fuller being is closer union.

Teilhard de Chardin S.J.

Importantly, in the above image both pieces of metal retain their individual uniqueness even when they are joined. Analogously, the molten bead represents the power of agreement and compromise. And that’s accomplished in the “fires” of discussion and debate—which should, like the elements that compose the metal, include everyone who has something at stake in the outcome.

True union does not fuse: it differentiates and personalizes.

Teilhard de Chardin S.J.

It may be extending the metaphor too far, but I note in this image that the solidified bead is brighter and shinier than the metals it joins. In the domain of human interaction I take this to indicate that the agent of unification is someone “brighter” in the sense of having an expanded perspective, particularly with regard to the potentials that can be achieved through joining.

Union can only increase through an increase in consciousness, that is to say in vision. That is why the history of the living world can be summarized as the elaboration of ever more perfect eyes within a cosmos in which there is always something more to be seen.

Teilhard de Chardin S.J.

The lesson I draw from the metal and human communication analogy is that separate individuals, hardened in their values, beliefs or perspectives, can unite either through intelligent and wise communication or commonly shared experiences. United, individuals are stronger and capable of achieving far more than working separately.

I do not exist in order that I may possess; rather I exist in order that I may give of myself, for it is in giving that I am myself. Cosmic life is intrinsically communal. Being is first a “we” before it can become an “I.” 

Teilhard de Chardin S.J

To learn more about Pierre Teilhard de Chardin S.J.

“Teilhard” is pronounced: Tay-yar), I highly recommend Spirit of Fire: The Life and Vision of Teilhard de Chardin by Ursula King, revised edition by Orbis Books. It can be found in most public libraries.

Teilhard’s legacy was the formulation of a comprehensive mystical vision that integrated science and spirituality. Science critics didn’t think he added much to the field of evolution or paleontology. And the Catholic Church banned him from publishing during his lifetime, even exiled him to China and New York to prevent him from speaking in public. In particular, his views on evolution negated the Adam and Eve story and original sin. Recent pope’s however, spoke highly of his contributions to Christ-centered spirituality and his though figured prominently in the 2nd Vatican Council.

It’s perhaps no accident that I chose an image of metal for this contemplation. When Teilhard was a child he collected rocks, drawn to them because they were the hardest, most lasting objects he could find. Then one day he discovered a piece of shiny metal under a cart. Because it was much harder than rock, he thought he’d found something that would last forever. He said he “cherished” it. When it was left out in the rain for a time he came running to his mother in tears because this precious object was rusting. He cites this incident as the moment when he became determined to find something that would last forever. He found it in the human spirit.


My other sites—

Love And Light greetings.com: A twice-weekly blog featuring wisdom quotes and perspectives in science and spirituality intended to inspire and empower

David L. Smith Photography Portfolio.com: Black and white and color photography

Ancient Maya Cultural Traits.com: Weekly blog featuring the traits that made this civilization unique 


One thought on “Unity

  1. “Images belong to the rational soul in the manner of perceptions, and whenever it affirms or denies that something is good or bad, it pursues or avoids. Consequently, the soul never thinks without an image.“
    Aristotle, De Anima

    You sir are a visual philosopher.

    Thanks for the images, especially the thoughts.


