About David L. Smith

Me in darkroom

I am an emeritus professor of visual communication and former director of the Xavier University Television Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. My documentary films and television programs have won multiple national awards including a regional Emmy for a prime-time program on blindness and first place honors in the category of Philosophy at the American Film Institute.

Undergraduate degrees include Broadcasting (University of Cincinnati) and Professional Photography (Rochester Institute of Technology). Graduate degree in Communication Arts with a minor in Anthropology (University of Cincinnati). Before tenure at Xavier University where I taught for twenty-six years, I was employed by Eastman Kodak Company in Rochester, New York, K&S Films Incorporated in Cincinnati, Taft Broadcasting Company (WKRC-TV), Scripps-Howard Broadcasting (WCPO-TV) and Kent State University where I served as production manager for the local PBS station.

In 1963 I discovered that photography, particularly black & white, could reveal the within of things. Energies and essences. Since then I’ve used it as a tool for personal growth and spiritual enrichment. My photographs have been exhibited in museums and universities as well as published in special interest magazines. Several of my self-published portfolio books are available for viewing or sale on the Blurb Bookstore site. A portfolio of my black & white images “Wisdom Of The Spheres,” along with an article entitled “The Aesthetic Urge” was featured in the March 2002 issue of LensWork, a journal of fine art photography.

The contemplations presented here reflect my beliefs and perceptions, an orientation that I consider to be “humanistic” rather than religious. While I honor the principal religious traditions of all cultures, I give greater credence to wisdom, intelligence, and experience—individually and collectively—over established doctrines and trending belief systems. My abiding interests are in the areas of cosmology, evolution, quantum mechanics, biology, whole systems and information theory, brain and consciousness research, ecology and cultural anthropology.


My portfolio site: <davidlsmithphotography.com>

© Copyright, David L. Smith, 2014. The images and the associated contemplations on this site are protected against any and all commercial and promotional use without the permission of the author. However, permission is granted for individuals to download the images and print them for private, non-commercial, non-promotional use.

One thought on “About David L. Smith

  1. I would very much like to use your contemplative photo as a background to a couple of quotes on my website. I am an NLP and EFT psychologist and would love a calm photo on my sight as I help clients to reduce stress and anxiety

